Every gift to the Emmanuel Fund makes a difference. Consider your impact.


Your annual pledge of $400 is a commitment of $34 a month via payroll deduction—less than $1.14 per day. This support could provide a semester’s worth of books to one scholarship recipient.

Your annual pledge of $200 would help to purchase new game supplies for our men's and women's soccer teams.

Your monthly payroll deduction of $5 per month could support necessary measures that keep our campus safe, such as snow removal and emergency medical supplies in each building.

Your annual, one-time gift of $100, would supplement one month’s subscription cost to our library for necessary publications like The New York Times.


Make a Gift

To give to the Emmanuel Fund, please make a gift via the form below, or register for automatic payroll deduction via the Employee Payroll Giving Program.


Donation Information
$ 2,500.00
$ 1,000.00
$ 750.00
$ 500.00
$ 250.00
$ 100.00