The 4th annual Dorothy Day Lecture features civil rights and peace activist Diane Nash. Diane has spent a lifetime on the front lines of the nonviolent movement for civil rights and social justice. An activist and strategist for freedom rides and lunch counter sit-ins, a founder of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, and associate of Martin Luther King, Jr., Nash was arrested multiple times for her commitment to racial justice. She was instrumental in crafting the 1965 Voting Rights Act.
For decades, she has continuously inspired activists by advocating a philosophy and strategy of effective nonviolent social change. Honored in the U.S. with dozens of awards, Diane Nash’s bravery and vision is chronicled in “Eyes on the Prize,” “Freedom Riders,” and Spike Lee’s “Four Little Girls.” Her message is as relevant and necessary now as it was in the 1960s.
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Dorothy Day Lecture Series: Diane Nash: